Ryan's Webpage

Mad Lib

Please enter the following information

description(s) evil goofy dysfunctional wacky
A silly sound phht! boing! whoosh! splat!
A body part
A vehicle
A type of animal

function makeML(){
// by Ryan Te
// 10/30/07
// make a silly story from a bunch of input terms

// create variables
var sound;
var part;
var descrip;
var vehicle;
var animal;
var story = "";

//get text box variables
person = window.document.myForm.txtPerson.value;
vehicle = document.myForm.txtVehicle.value;
animal = document.myForm.txtAnimal.value;

//get description
descrip = "";

if (document.myForm.chkEvil.checked==true){
descrip += document.myForm.chkEvil.value;
descrip += ", ";
} // end if

if (document.myForm.chkGoofy.checked==true){
descrip += document.myForm.chkGoofy.value;
descrip += ", ";
} // end if

if (document.myForm.chkDysfunc.checked==true){
descrip += document.myform.chkDysfunc.value;
descrip += ", ";
} // end if

if (document.myForm.chkWacky.checked==true){
descrip += document.myForm.chkWacky.value;
descrip += ", ";
} // end if

// story += "descrip: \t" + descrip + "\n";

//get sound
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
if (document.myForm.optSound[i].checked == true){
sound = document.myForm.optSound[i].value;
} // end if
} // end for loop

// story += "sound: \t" + sound + "\n";

// get body part

var theSelect = document.myForm.selBody;

var theOption = theSelect[theSelect.selectedIndex];

part = theOption.value;

// story += "part: \t" + part + "\n";
story = "One day, a person named ";
story += person;
story += " was walking down the street. Suddenly, ";
story += person;
story += " heard an awful, ";
story += descrip;
story += "mysterious ";
story += sound;
story += " sound. ";
story += person;
story += " looked around and saw that the ";
story += sound;
story += " sound was coming from a ";
story += vehicle;
story += " careening madly down the street. ";
story += person;
story += "'s fear turned to terror as "
story += person;
story += " realized that the ";
story += vehicle;
story += " was driven by none other than the evil Super-";
story += animal;
story += ". Once an ordinary ";
story += animal;
story += ", it had befallen a strange transformation after ";
story += "being dropped in a vat of nuclear waste. ";
story += "Super-"
story += animal;
story += " continued to taunt ";
story += person
story += " with the horrible ";
story += sound;
story += " noise. but ";
story += person;
story += " was unconcerned. \"You can't bother me, Super-";
story += animal;
story += "! I know how to turn the other ";
story += part;
story += "!\" \nThe End."

document.myForm.txtStory.value = story;

} // end makeML
<h1>Mad Lib<hr></h1>
<form name = myForm>
<h3>Please enter the following information</h3>
<table border = 1>

<td><input type = text name = txtPerson></td>

<input type = "checkbox"
name = "chkEvil"
value = "evil">evil
<input type = "checkbox"
name = "chkGoofy"
value = "goofy">goofy
<input type = "checkbox"
name = "chkDysfunc"
value = "chkfunctional">dysfunctional
<input type = "checkbox"
name = "chkWacky"
value = "wacky">wacky

<td>A silly sound</td>
<input type = "radio"
name = "optSound"
value = "phht!"> phht!
<input type = "radio"
name = "optSound"
value = "boing!"> boing!
<input type = "radio"
name = "optSound"
value = "whoosh!"> whoosh!
<input type = "radio"
name = "optSound"
value = "splat!"> splat!

<td>A body part</td>
<select name = selBody>
<option value = "tooth">tooth</option>
<option value = "kidney stone">kidney stone</option>
<option value = "cheek">cheek</option>
<option value = "elbow">elbow</option>
<option value = "brain">brain</option>

<td>A vehicle</td>
<td><input type = text name = txtVehicle></td>

<td>A type of animal</td>
<td><input type = text name = txtAnimal></td>

<td colspan = 2><center>
<input type = button
value = "click for story"
onClick = makeML()>


<textarea name = txtStory
rows = 10
cols = 40



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