Ryan's Webpage

Mad Lib

Please enter the following information

Your name
Wierd sound
Dream Car

function makeML(){
// by Ryan Te
// 10/28/07
// makes a silly story from a bunch of input terms

//get variables from form
var person = window.document.myForm.txtPerson.value;
var sound = document.myForm.txtSound.value;
var part = document.myForm.txtPart.value;
var story = "";

story = "One day, a person named " ;
story += person;
story += " won a dream car. ";
story += "The dream car was a ";
story += part;
story += ". ";
story += person;
story += " drove the "
story += part;
story += ". "
story += "Then all of a sudden it made a wierd sound. ";
story += "The sound was a ";
story += sound;
story += " sound."
story += "The ";
story += sound;
story += " sound came from the "
story += part;
story += "'s engine."
story += "Then the "
story += part;
story += " exploded."
story += "The End."

document.myForm.txtStory.value = story;
} // function end MakeMl
<h1>Mad Lib<hr></h1>
<form name = myForm>
<h3>Please enter the following information</h3>
<table border = 1>

<td>Your name</td>
<td><input type = text name = txtPerson></td>

<td>Wierd sound</td>
<td><input type = text name = txtSound></td>

<td>Dream Car</td>
<td><input type = text name = txtPart></td>

<td colspan = 2><center>
<input type = "button"
value = "Click for story"
onClick = makeML()>


<textarea name = txtStory
rows = 10
cols = 40





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Mr. Styner's Webpage





