Ryan's Webpage

The Name Game

The Name Game

<title>The Name Game</title>

<h1>The Name Game</h1>

//by Ryan Te
//plays around with the user's name
//uses string methods

var firstName = "";
var lastName = "";
var numLetters = 0;

firstName = prompt("Hi, what's your first name?","");
alert ("That's a nice name, " + firstName);
alert ("I think I'll shout it: " + firstName.toUpperCase());
lastName = prompt("So what's your last name," + firstName + "?");
alert ("Oh." + firstName + "" + lastName + ".");
alert ("Sometimes called " + lastName + "," + firstName);
numLetters = firstName.length + lastName.length;
alert ("Did you know there are " + numLetters + "letters in your name?");




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